Friday, July 31, 2009

Making a Decision

I've been thinking about writing and who I am and I've made a decision. I started this blog because of an ongoing internal argument. How do I see myself as a writer? With what do I identify? Then a short time ago I read posts from the blogs of  Editorial Anonymous and Justine Larbalestier which gave rise to even greater struggle. It affirmed what I already believed.

My thought process went something like this. If I identify myself as a writer of color does that mean I only write for that group? That is not my intention. When I write, I envision every group enjoying my stories.

Will others think I only write for a particular group? I hope not. I would like to think the world is beyond that, but I fear it is not; as evidenced by some of the comments on the afore mentioned blogs.

Am I pigeonholing myself? That is a risk I will have to take, particularly if I would like more representation of my community in literature.

So here is my decision. I am a writer of color whose protagonists represent the community to which I belong. To further clarify, my intention is not only to represent those that look like me, but to place these characters in a world where others are also represented. Not so much like a melting pot, but more like a stew. Who ever heard of or enjoyed a stew with only one ingredient. That would be exceptionally bland and it wouldn't be considered stew.

I would like my grandchildren to be able to see themselves clearly in literature as strong characters, but also understand that strength includes participating in the world around them. This then precludes writing to the exclusion of characters of different communities or groups.

My desire is to be read far and wide. So that means more time spent on writing and improving my craft. Making sure that my writing transports the readers to the story setting, involving them personally in the plotlines. I will get there if I continue to work at it. I will succeed!


  1. This post is stew-licious! I think you have uncovered the recipe that is going to work for you and be yummy to all. Go, Stephanie!

  2. Thanks Tricia. I'm so used to calling you Pat. It took me a while to sort through all of the junk and then Labalestier confirmed what I thought, but this is what I'm going to do. We'll just see what happens

  3. I had to pop over here and take a peek after your comment on my blog today. Very thought-provoking post. I wish you all the best in finding a way to accomplish your objective. We need more crossover writers!


  4. Thanks for the encouragement and for dropping by. Just like life, it's a process. I'm getting a lot closer to solidfying all of it.
