Monday, January 25, 2010

Fear and Trembling

Today I submitted to a writing contest. I did it with fear and trembling. Part of the anxiety was due to my fear of not being proficient with computers. I was afraid that I would hit some snag or glitch and I wouldn't know what to do about it. But I got prayed-up and plowed right in.

I managed to log in with very little problem. Then I started inputting the information. I clicked the save button and I got this screen that said it was 'working'. The screen stayed like that for some time. I didn't really pay much attention to it or become concerned. I just assumed that there were so many people logging in that the server might have been overloaded and it was just taking some time to get the job done.

So I waited and waited. I waited for two hours! Finally I asked my daughter what she though about it. She said that I could be right or that something went wrong with the connection. I asked her how could I tell the difference. She told me to open another window and see if it would let me log in. I did and everything went smoothly from there.

What's really sad is that I was prepared to sit in front of the computer and wait for it to finish 'working'. It probably would have gone on like that all night. And there I would be sitting and waiting. I am so not of the computer age and culture.

Now I'm ready for a long, hot, bubble bath. Calgon, take me away.

Monday, January 18, 2010

And Here We Are Again

Today I was thinking what I should say in this blog. A sage blogger told me that I should write whatever I happen to be thinking about. So here goes.

I was reading another blog, one by a writing professional, who remarked about writing with characters of color. I absolutely am in favor of including everyone. I don't think someone should stick a description on a character just to include someone of color. That would be a bit insulting. But if they made the character a whole person including their culture, minus the stereotypes, it would not only be complimentary, but helpful. It doesn't matter to me if the writer is one of color or not, so long as they do it well.

What does bother me is that these professionals stated that it is easier for a book with characters of color to be published if the author was not of color. I can't tell you how crazy that makes me. It's not only crazy, it's infuriating! I could brush it off if it was only one person's perspective, but I keep running into it over and over.

I write with characters of color for many reasons: a) they look like me; b) they fall within my standard of beauty; c) this is a culture I am most familiar with; and d) there aren't that many inclusive  mainstream books. Does this mean that I will only write with these characters? Never. If I did that, I would be as guilty as those who never include them, besides that's not what my world looks like whether public or intimate. So, when you read something of mine, you'll get a peek into my world.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Sincerest Apologies

I must truly apologize. I've been quiet thinking about what I want this blog to be. My first entries had to do with writing struggles and my determining how I want to be perceived. I guess that is still has been resolved, yet.

I know that the way I want the world to think of me is as a 'great' writer. It isn't important to me that my chocolateness be the determining factor of whether or not people read what I write. Quite the opposite is true. I want to be known for my craft.

So the question remains: what part does culture play? It's still very important to me that my grandchildren are able to see themselves in my characters and that children of color have heros and heroines that look like them. With that said, it is most important to me that the world-at-large enjoy what I write.

I don't want to be shelved in an area that has only to do with who my parents are. I want to be right there on the shelves next all other books of my chosen genre. How to pull this off is still a dilemma that I haven't yet found the answer. For one thing, I still have to write the piece that makes it onto those shelves!

So the my mind churns on. But that doesn't answer the more immediate question: what direction should this blog take? I still want it to be about writing and culture. I don't want it to be a place of ranting.

As my fingers fly across the keyboard, ideas begin to form in my mind. They're not ripe enough to pick yet, but when they are I'll be sure to let you know.