Monday, January 18, 2010

And Here We Are Again

Today I was thinking what I should say in this blog. A sage blogger told me that I should write whatever I happen to be thinking about. So here goes.

I was reading another blog, one by a writing professional, who remarked about writing with characters of color. I absolutely am in favor of including everyone. I don't think someone should stick a description on a character just to include someone of color. That would be a bit insulting. But if they made the character a whole person including their culture, minus the stereotypes, it would not only be complimentary, but helpful. It doesn't matter to me if the writer is one of color or not, so long as they do it well.

What does bother me is that these professionals stated that it is easier for a book with characters of color to be published if the author was not of color. I can't tell you how crazy that makes me. It's not only crazy, it's infuriating! I could brush it off if it was only one person's perspective, but I keep running into it over and over.

I write with characters of color for many reasons: a) they look like me; b) they fall within my standard of beauty; c) this is a culture I am most familiar with; and d) there aren't that many inclusive  mainstream books. Does this mean that I will only write with these characters? Never. If I did that, I would be as guilty as those who never include them, besides that's not what my world looks like whether public or intimate. So, when you read something of mine, you'll get a peek into my world.


  1. I'm wondering about your thoughts at to Avatar.
    Some people have claimed that it's another case of "what these people need is a honkey", similar to Dances with Wolves or The Last Samurai.
    (I didn't coin the phrase)

  2. I loved the movie, sci-fi geek that I am. I thought it presented an honest portrayal of what happens when people who believe they are the best thing since sliced bread meet a people that have a different way of life. What they based the difference on was how the people look.

    I'm sure you know this is nothing new. And the truth is it boils down to two things: greed and the need to be better than somebody, anybody. So you create within yourself a sense of superiority.
