Monday, August 31, 2009

Strong Women Make for Strong Characters

Last night I was thinking about being of color and what it means to me. I felt a smile spread across my face and wonderful memories flooded my mind. Growing up Black and female is an awesome thing. I am taught I can do anything I set my mind to and work hard at. So I was strongly encouraged educationally and not just that, but I was encouraged in living life. A life of purose. A life of courrage. A life of strength.

What does this have to do with writing? Everything! It helps me work through the crazy process of attempting publication. I am encouraged by friends and family and told that I will make it as long as I keep at it. I have a whole cheering section all my own. When I'm knocked down by a rejection, my community and family are right there reminding me that I can do it. My husband's mother has always said, Nothing beats a failure but a try. That is absolutely the truth.

I have an unquenchable desire to write stories that captivate. Stories that encourage. Stories that change lives. Everyday my writing improves and grows.

The strength of my culture helps me to write strong characters. Characters with depth. Characters with drive. Characters with voice. (yes, the ever elusive, but necessary, quality).

In the immortal words of Worf, with a slight spin, of course. Today is a good day to be Black!


  1. Nothing beats a failure but a try! What a great quote and wonderful post.
    Hope must be in the air--I just hit the 'send' button on a short story I've been too nervous to submit. But it sure isn't going to do anything on my hard drive. So now today I gave it a try.

  2. I like female action heroes because they always seem disadvantaged at first. It takes a lot more cunning and intelligence for them to prevail, they can't just duke it out (well most can't)
    Dawn in my Sci-Fi thriller doesn't throw a punch or fire a weapon (at someone) in the whole book, although there's war and all kinds of battles.

  3. I love action/adventure novels, particularly with strong female protagonists. Frankly, anything I read, if there are female characters,they must be strong. I was workng on a recent WIP and had to rewrite the whole thing. I hated it. It took me a while to figure out what was wrong. After thinking about it I realized I had created a weak female character. I couldn't stand it. I had to fix it before I could continue.

    A strong female isn't necessarily one who fights or uses weapons, but she is someone who knows herself or is coming to know who she is and believes in herself.

    As my grandmother would say, she covers the ground she walks on.

  4. Of course when I write a strong female MC, it's going be one who I think men would like to read about. I'm trying to avoid turning her into a male in a female body.

  5. Yeah, 'cause we female types would know the difference.

    That's a very interesting thought. What are females like that men would be interested in reading about.
